Terms of Service

Last Revised: Jul 05, 2024

Welcome to Vsdio

Thank you for choosing Vsdio! Terms of Service (abbreviated “terms of service”) affect your access to and use of Vsdio. Please read carefully before using the service. We offer you an innovative tool that allows you to create, edit, manage and host your website using the Vsdio software service platform.

These terms are a legally binding contract between you and Vsdio. By using the service, you agree to be bound by these terms. By agreeing to these terms, you also agree to our privacy policy. If you are using the service on behalf of an organization, you agree to these terms for that organization and you represent that you have the right to bind that organization to these terms.

We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or incidental loss or damage to profits, reputation, rights to use, data, or other intangible damages of use. Service.

We may change the service from time to time as we refine, add more features and may need to stop, pause or modify the service, content or features at any time without notice. prior to.

What types of websites are not allowed on Vsdio

Adult: involving nudity, sexual backgrounds, exposed genitals, or adult themes.

Copyrighted content: music, movies, or games that you don't own the rights to.

Hate Speech: Content that promotes violence or incites hatred towards certain individuals or groups, such as race, religion, ethnicity, anti-state, gender or sexual orientation. The foregoing are examples and are not meant to be an exhaustive list of individuals or groups who may be the target of hate speech.

SPAM / SEO: a website whose sole purpose is to achieve google rankings, facebook likes,...

Phishing: a website intended to trick users into providing their username and password.

Illegal Content: Content that may be illegal or under the laws of countries.

Scams: get rich quick, multi-level / pyramid selling or other dubious schemes.

Excessive advertising: placing excessive ads on your site, including more than 3 ad units per page. Harmful experience: sites that provide a terrible experience, such as flashing banners extreme, excessively animated movements, content that can cause seizures for the end user.

Illegal Products: Websites that offer or sell illegal items, weapons, counterfeit, stolen, fraudulent, pirated, assault, pornographic, or weapon-manufactured items.

The above list is for reference only and is by no means exhaustive. Please read the terms below for more information.

1. Create an account

To use the service, you need to provide your name, email, password and agree to the terms and conditions listed below, privacy policy

It is your responsibility to maintain the security of your account and confidentiality. If the information provided by you is untrue, false or violates our terms, we may suspend or terminate your account. The email used to register the account is considered the owner of the account and has the right to request assistance from us regarding the account. You are solely responsible for the operations from your account, and for the maintenance and security of the login information to access that account.

You must notify us immediately if you know or have any reason to suspect that your account or password has been stolen, taken over or otherwise compromised, or suspected of unauthorized use.

2. Your Content

You are responsible for any content contained in your website such as images, videos, audio files, design elements, logos, fonts, text and more.. We are not responsible. responsibility for any of your content. We are also not responsible for content that has been lost as a result of using Vsdio, it is your responsibility to keep it safe and to make regular backups of your content. We do not track what content has been used in the site and we are not responsible for anyone violating the terms and conditions, but we reserve the right to remove harmful content or even terminate account.

You own all intellectual property associated with your account such as images, videos, audio files, design elements, logos, fonts, text, and any other documents or files created by you. you create and have on your website. You provide vsdio with non-exclusive, royalty-free, immutable, interchangeable rights to the content of your website, in order for us to provide you with the Vsdio.

We may choose to feature your site within our site. We may also feature your website on the theme page, the customer sections of our website or on our social media accounts.

3. Your Obligations

You represent and warrant that you are at least 16 years old. People under 16 years old are not allowed to use our service.

Keep your Vsdio account credentials safe.

Provide us with current, accurate and valid personal information at all times.

You own the rights to any content uploaded by you on your website including images, videos, audio files, design elements, logos, fonts, text and any other content. you have the right to use.

The content material may not be used in any unlawful or harmful manner.

You must notify us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your account.

Your content must not be illegal, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar or obscene in any way, nor may it infringe on anyone's legal rights.

You may not send unsolicited messages (SPAM) or any unethical advertising of the kind that is considered SPAM or harmful in any way.

You may not upload viruses, Trojans, or any other malicious code, files or programs that may disrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality and services of the Vsdio.

You may not upload deceptive content.

You may not attempt to circumvent, circumvent or override the functionality and stability of Vsdio, or attempt to exploit the system in any way.

You may not use the system to create any fraudulent websites and promotions with false content that could harm or defraud visitors.

You may not use the Vsdio to distribute, store or in any way, use the system for pornographic or adult content and services.

You represent and warrant that your use of the service is not unlawful

You acknowledge and agree that, if you breach any of these principles and obligations, this may result in immediate termination of your account. You may also be banned from having an account in the system.

4. End users on your website

“End User” means any person accessing your website created by Vsdio regardless of the means by which they gain access.

We are not responsible for any conflicts between you and the end users or interfere with them under any circumstances.

All Vsdio terms and conditions also apply to the end user and you must notify about it.

5. Resell services

You may not distribute, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or otherwise exploit any part of the Service without our express written permission, possibly in the form of a written agreement. separate version with Vsdio

It may be used by designers to design websites for 3rd parties. This use is expressly permitted under the terms. If you design 3rd party websites on any version of Vsdio other than the design platform, each of those websites must have its own account controlled by the 3rd party and you may not group multiple client sites under an account owned by you.